KMD Poland Sp. z o.o.

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We have developed and currently operates more than 400 IT systems that support the Danish welfare state and accompany Danes from cradle to grave. KMD constantly works to create new digital shortcuts and sees it as its responsibility to contribute initiatives and solutions that support and develop Denmark’s welfare system. KMD has developed a series of digital tools for the Danish teaching environment. KMD's solutions in child care and education facilitate communication between all stakeholders and lessen the administrative burden by promoting transparency and simplifying processes and workflows. Teachers can easily set long term teaching goals and plan differentiated teaching plans for each student. On the local authority market KMD primarily delivers law based (and administrative) software and digital solutions in welfare. We support local authorities' in focusing on efficient financial and administrative control using e.g. KMD Opus. In employment services KMD offers digital solutions which can translate the increased focus on controlling at job centers into tangible results. KMD Phoenix eases tasks such as gaining new members improving service levels optimizing resource spending and organizing data in a relevant and accessible manner. In the central government segment KMD has spearheaded several complex IT projects and most recently we have entered into cooperation's with the Ministry for Education and the Ministry for Health and Prevention. On the election day we provide the digital infrastructure regarding digital election lists and tallying of votes. In the welfare area we offer the KMD Nexus platform which is the pivotal point for cross-disciplinary cooperation in health elder care and social services. A single entry point for public services for each citizen ensures that resources are spent where they do the most good. See how six employees play a part in developing society:

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KMD Poland Sp. z o.o. nie posiada żadnych trwających ofert praktyk i staży. Zobacz wszystkie



KMD Poland Sp. z o.o.
Inflancka 4/a
00-189 Warszawa



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