Saba Software Sp. z o.o.

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Cornerstone started with a simple (but bold) idea – to improve access to education on a global basis through online learning. We were a tiny company back in 1999 with a different name a single shared cordless phone and a jarringly bright orange logo. But the seed was planted: we were off and running with the belief that ongoing learning and development are at the heart of how to be both a better individual and a better organization. In the past twenty years Cornerstone has come a long way. We’ve got more than one phone now for instance. But our heritage of focusing on the importance of learning has remained a constant. The Cornerstone Unified Talent Management suite addresses critical talent needs. It helps businesses find and attract the right people for the right roles and then makes sure they are onboarded in the most efficient and effective way possible. It helps organizations keep a better pulse on employee performance and ensure readiness for new roles. It helps to connect employees and locate expertise so that people can do their jobs better in any given moment.

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Saba Software Sp. z o.o. nie posiada żadnych trwających ofert praktyk i staży. Zobacz wszystkie



Saba Software Sp. z o.o.
Ul.Pawia 23
31-154 Kraków



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