Aspire Systems Poland

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We are a global IT development and services company having our nearshore development centre at Gdansk for Europe Region. There are over 120 talented and committed employees working in for the clients who are mainly from Europe and the US. We provide them with professional business consulting and software development services. Aspire Systems has over 150 customers globally. We work with the world's most innovative enterprises and independent software vendors. Some of them are Apple Pearson Macy's and KMPG. We help them leverage technology and outsourcing. Aspire’s services include Product Engineering Enterprise Solutions Independent Testing Services. As well as IT Infrastructure & Application Support Services

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Aspire Systems Poland nie posiada żadnych trwających ofert pracy. Zobacz wszystkie
Aspire Systems Poland nie posiada żadnych trwających ofert praktyk i staży. Zobacz wszystkie



Aspire Systems Poland
Grunwaldzka 472 C
80-309 Gdańsk



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