Zdalnie Telekomunikacja
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Script Developer - Summer Trainee

Nokia Zdalnie
Nie podano
Praktyki, Staż
Umowa zlecenie

Summer Trainee is a short-term paid internship, that allows you to kickstart your fabulous journey in the IT and Telecom world. As our Trainee you can get your first experience and learn from the best experts in this field. The internship usually lasts 3 months from July to September. We are open to offering the best talents a chance to continue working with us. #OpenToYou.


Greetings, Adepts!

Path of destiny led you to the right place. Our school of the Spider recruits for future networking masters.

We do not perform trial of the Grasses, so candidate for this position must meet certain requirements and train just like Cirilla to overcome any possible difficulties.


You have:

  • Basic experience on your own path: Minimum 1-2 years of academic background
  • Aspiration to help other people in need: Creating tools used for automation
  • Modern vision on exchanging information (courier times are sadly gone): Telecommunication – especially IP/MPLS
  • Ability to perform deep, mindful meditation combined with problem solving: Programming (Python/others)
  • Ability to use your interior witcher senses for any intricacies detection
  • Will to use Axii rather than Igni sign: Communication and cooperation skills
  • Profficent comprehension of elven (English) speech: Technical documentaion understanding
  • Active student status (for at least one year)

It would be nice if you also had:

  • Extensive firsthand encounter with the operations of Nokia/Cisco/Juniper school routers and their respective systems across the kingdoms

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